Dark Matter Volunteer Information

May 28, 2019 | kate

Are you ready to become Dark Matter?

Dress Rehearsal is Friday, June 14th from 4-11 p.m.

Check-in will take place in the parking lot (which will be a field)

Lyrics: Jump!Star’s own pop musician Mirah has written some music just for Jump!star. She will be performing with Wichita’s ARISE at the Signature event. As part of the performance we will be chanting the following lyrics: (we’ll leave the singing to the professionals)

Please watch this message from Mirah and hear the Axial Precession Chorus melody!

Thank you SO MUCH! We are so thrilled to be working with you on the beautiful project! Thank you for your important role in making this magical experience a success.

See process shots and videos on Jump!star’s Instagram



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